Issue No: 12
Message from Group Managing Director
My Dear Al Ansari Family Members,
First of all it is a very special issue as far as Mr. Mohd. Ali Juma, our Chairman and I are concerned, as it is a Silver Jubilee celebration issue. Twenty Five years ago both of us met and decided to start the Company to do something worthwhile without any special goal or aim in our minds.
Time flies 25 years have passed so fast without us realizing it, but leaving pleasant memories of growth and success stories. We both give the credit of our growth to our most valuable asset that is each one of you. our Al Ansari Family Members! Let me congratulate and wish you all a wonderful and happy New Millennium. Al Ansari completed its 25 years of operations in Oman during the previous Millennium and has entered the New Millennium pursuing a bright future and better prospects with the fame of being a very reputable, professionally managed, quality conscious and trustworthy organization.
During 1975 with a set up of two persons what started as an indenting commission agency has grown in the year 2000 to a wonderful institute of over 1200 people, operating as a full fledged house of traders and contractors in the field of the most demanding service industries.

I take this opportunity to thank all our well wishers, customers, suppliers, past and present family members as well as the various captains of our Al Ansari ship, our Chairman – Mr. Mohd. Ali Juma, our Joint Managing Director – Mr. Yusuf Nalwalla, our Director of Contracts – Mr. Rajan Kanath, Director of Media Computers – Mr. Zohair Hasan Ali, Managing Director of Kimoha Entrepreneurs – Mr. Vinesh Bhimani as well as our General Manager -Dr. Prabhakar Rao of Akar Technical Services, UAE.
All of them have steered our ship successfully and have converted a small sailing vessel into a giant cruiser ship for which I am sure all are proud of. Let us pray to Almighty for a similar if not greater growth and prospects for the next 25 years to come.
Year 1999 was a satisfactorily successful year for Al Ansari family and I am glad that the new millennium has begun well for us all. Our two Dubai outlets Akar Technical Services LLC and Kimoha Entrepreneurs Ltd., have been awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 accreditation this year and have given extra feathers of pride to Al Ansari’s family cap. Congratulations to them from all of us.
Our Marketing division has inaugurated a wonderful & spaciously laid out showroom at Wadi Kabir, which adds a precious jewel to the Al Ansari crown. I am also glad that the core committee of our Silver Jubilee celebrations has been doing wonderful work by carrying on some sort of celebration every month, the details of which you would see in this Silver Jubilee issue (No. 12).
I am pleased to announce that our Joint Managing Director – Mr. Yusuf Nalwala has recently been bestowed with the title of “SHEIKH” by His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, the Bohra Community Head Priest. We heartily congratulate Mr. Yusuf on this happy occasion.
Let us not be complacent looking at the success and growth of the past 25 years. We must promise ourselves that we will maintain if not enhance our Al Ansari family’s flag to the highest peak of excellence and earn the name and reputation as the most favored institution in the territory wherever we operate.
Always remember “Hold your head high, stick your chest out; you can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes – keep hope alive. Glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall.”
Thanks a million to all of you once again. Hope you enjoy going through this special Silver Jubilee issue of Al Ansari update.
May God bless us all and guide us to greater laurels for our Family.
Ma Salaama-Namaskar,
Kiran Asher
Al Ansari Events & Sport highlights
Group Picnic:
14th. January’00
A Mega-Group picnic was the first of its kind to be conducted by the organizing members. Mr. Ramesh Khimji’s Grand Farm at Barka was the ideal venue. The day long picnic comprised of water games in the swimming pool, lawn games, and tug-of-war accompanied by a grand lunch.

Treasure Hunt:
For the first time in Al Ansari a Treasure Hunt for all the staff members was organized. This mind boggling and physically tough treasure hunt was flagged of at Head Office and ended at CD Ghala followed by lunch. These events was won by the team comprising of Mr. & Mrs. Deepak Ved, Satish Kumar & N. Sriram.

Al Ansari Annual Day for Worker:
The Al Ansari Annual day for workers was for the first time held at an outside venue, namely the Majan Hotel Pool terrace. The fabulous ambience of the new venue accompanied by entertainment, prizes & dinner for the seven hundred workers, made it an evening to remember for all present. Our management, stressed the need to workers to renew their resources in this 25th year of the group.
Al Ansari Annual Day for Staff:

The much awaited Al Ansari Annual day for staff, was this time doubly significant due to the ongoing Silver Jubilee celebrations. The venue this time was the Le Grand Hall at Al Falaj Hotel. A record 400 people i.e. staff, families and company guests witnessed a number of superb programmes. The theme throughout the programme was 25, hence there were 25 quiz prizes, 25 raffle prizes, 25 items on the dinner menu & so on.
It was a very emotional moment for our MD Mr. Kiran Asher & chairman Mr. Mohd. Ali Juma when they were asked to come on stage & greet each other as they did 25 years back, when they had formed this association. A shield from the entire Al Ansari family was presented to Mr. Asher & Mr. Juma on this occasion. A host of other items are lined up for the remaining part of the year, So wait for the fun to continue!
A Magic Show by Magician Prof. Yusuf Talikulam was held at Ghala Labour Camp for the workers on 3rd December’99.

Career Fair at SQU:
We had participated in the Career Fair 2000 organized by the Sultan Qaboos University on the 17th and 18th April 2000. HE Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki, the Minister of National Economy and Deputy Chairman of Financial Affairs, inaugurated the Career Fair.
He had during his visit discussed about the opportunities that Al Ansari is willing to offer the Omani Graduates of the University.
Our officials had informed him that we are looking at the whole concept of Omanisation very meaningfully and working towards this social obligation very seriously.

Enlightening Hour:

We were obliged & lucky to have amidst us His Holiness Swami Swaroopananda of the Chinmaya mission on 9.2.00 at our Ghala – CD recreation area. Swami Swaroopananda spoke at length on the benefits of participative management and western/eastern motivational techniques of the corporate world. All the points covered were of prime importance to the members & benefited everyone present.
Heart of Gold:
It was a matter of pride for us when the “Indian Business Directory” being published from Hong Kong covering successful and prominent Indians worldwide, carried an article in their Oman segment on our MD Mr. Kiran Asher.

We deeply mourn the sad demise of Mr. Ali Juma Al Zadjali, father of our respected Chairman, Mr. Mohd. Juma Ali in Muscat on 21/12/1999. May his soul rest in peace and Almighty Allah give strength to the family members on this irrepairable loss.
“Hold your head high, stick your chest out; you can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes – keep hope alive. Glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall.”