Issue No: 15
Message from Group Managing Director
My dear Family members,
The 15th issue of Al Ansari UPDATE is out as scheduled which shows that even in our busy schedule of work we do not let our family members down in keeping them informed about their colleagues & family members and let them know what we at AL ANSARI FAMILY have been up to during the past six months – Great!!
Well Done!!! We hope the present issue is as exciting as our earlier ones have been informative too!
The year 2002 had been very tough for us. Couple of divisions had a very hard time during the year 2001 and they did not achieve the desired results whereas others surpassed the expected anticipation.

Though we know that life is full of Ups and Downs, we should witness more Ups than Downs, and have to work at it as a team and one big Family. As the saying goes “When a blind man carries a lame man, both go forward”.
The first quarter of this year has been tough too. We have to really put our act together to march ahead with positive thinking and work out in every possible way how to swim through the troubled waters. What we need is creative thinking with hard work and a family team feeling. I am sure we will sail through it fairly comfortably if we pull our socks up.
Our Marketing Division has shifted to the Wadi Kabir State of the Art Showroom premises and we are glad to learn that they are settling well after teething problems. We wish them good luck and look forward to the Corporate & Finance Office to join them by August-September this year. We will have our entire activity which was at MBD area operating from our Wadi -Alkabir premises soon.
We were also proud to state that the revised PPM is almost in the finalization stage and will be implemented soon. Not only that but after a long time, with assistance of Media Computers and efforts of Adnan Nalwalla, we have launched our Website to our entire satisfaction and perfection. Please visit the site and send us your feedback for improvements.
We were also glad to be present at our AL ANSARI WORKERS DAY held recently, where they presented delightful entertainment & delicious food was served by our own Wheat ‘n’ Rice restaurant – our new look easy dining restaurant opened recently at the same location of Komalas earlier.
Let me end here with what I have read recently and is very apt for the present economic scenario is that “What will see me through the next 20 years (and I am less sure of those 20 than I was of “forever”) is my knowledge that even in the face of the sweeping away of all that I assumed to be permanent, even when the universe made it quite clear to me that I was mistaken in my certainties, in my definitions, I did not break.
The shattering of my sureties did not shatter me. Stability comes from inside, not outside….”. So let us pray to the Almighty to give strength to overcome the difficulties and march ahead positively. Let us all pray for a peaceful year.
On 15th of May, the whole world celebrated World Family Day and we at AL ANSARI always profess Family feelings. Let me wish all our family members a wonderful, prosperous and peaceful life whilst your stay at AL ANSARI FAMILY.
May Almighty bless us all Ma Salama, Namaskar

01- The opening ceremony was held on|2 January 2002. The enthusiasm in all events saw very active participation from a large number of staff members. The games conducted were Table Tennis, Badminton, Carrom and Chess.
Our ladies came forward to participate in the singles of Carrom, Table tennis and Chess. The closing ceremony on 4th February 2002 was a grand ceremony with all staff members attending the function and the prize distribution. The management expressed their desire to introduce similar tournaments for our workers as well in the coming years.
02- To celebrate the joyous occasion of Eid Milad, Christmas and New Year, the entire Al Ansari family got together at ED recreational hall on 30 December 2001 where in all staff members along with their families met to wish each other and to share the joy of these occasions.
There were games, competitions, music and Santa Claus giving away sweets and gifts to the children. The function ended bidding farewell to the year gone by and hope of the New Year bringing for all of us a bright, happy and a prosperous New Year.
The Managing Director thanked all family members tor their continued support and encouraged the desire to grow from strength to strength.
03- The Al Ansari Annual Labour Day was held on 5th April 2002 at the workers camp at Ghala. All workers within and around the capital area attended the Annual day celebrations.
The skits presented by the Omani workers were hilarious and their themes were very well thought of, in keeping with the present scenario of Omanisation. The enthusiasm and discipline with which all workers conducted themselves and participated was a delight for the management.
Speeches by the Board of Directors and the presentation of the 10 years awards were inspiring, which brought the function to a befitting close. The delicious and sumptuous dinner left all the workers and invitees delighted and looking forward to the next years celebrations.

04– The Annual blood donation campaign was conducted at the CD, Ghala staff camp on 18 January 2002. Most of our employees were enthusiastic about donating blood for the national cause and the health officials collected blood from 86 donors.
The ministry of health and the department of blood services have recognized and appreciated the initiative of our company towards this social cause and for contributing towards the national health of the country every year.
05– At the Al Ansari Labour Day, we honored the Best Omani workers from each division of the company. Pictured alongside are the recipients of the best Omani workers awards with our senior management members.

1: We were privileged to once again have amongst us Her Holiness Swamini Vimlanandaji of the Chinmaya Mission of India.
She spoke on ‘Different types of problems in life & methods to overcome them’. The presentation was held at our Engineering Division recreational hall, where a lot of our staff members attended the function.
2: It is a matter of great privilege for our group, to have been honored with a shield of Appreciation from MODES (Ministry of Defence Engineering Services) recently.
This has been conferred to us for the outstanding services offered by our Contracting & Engineering Divisions to MODES over the years.
Congratulations !!
- Go to bed early and get up on time so you can start the day un-rushed.
- Allow extra time to get where you are going.
- Laugh. Then laugh some more!
- Less is more. Even though one is not enough, two is often too many.
- Live within your budget. Don’t use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
- Slow down.
- Have backups: an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
- Write thoughts and inspirations down.
- Keep your mouth shut.
- Take your work seriously, but yourself not at all.
- Develop a forgiving attitude. Most people are doing the best they can.
- Delegate tasks to capable others.
- Say no to projects that won’t fit into your schedule or will compromise your mental health.
- Do something for the kid in you every day.
- Find time to be alone.
- Be kind to unkind people. They probably need it the most.
- Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.
- Pray.
“What will see me through the next 20 years (and I am less sure of those 20 than I was of “forever”) is my knowledge that even in the face of the sweeping away of all that I assumed to be permanent, even when the universe made it quite clear to me that I was mistaken in my certainties, in my definitions, I did not break. The shattering of my sureties did not shatter me. Stability comes from inside, not outside….”