Issue No: 14
Message from Group Managing Director
My Dear family members,
I am glad we are ready with our 14th issue of the UPDATE in October 01 as scheduled
and I hope that the contents of the Al Ansari Newsletter issue will enlighten our family members with the happenings at Al Ansari for the past six months.
After a quiet start at the commencement of the year, we had a busy six months ahead of us. Most of the family members had a very busy schedule going for them, till the incidents of 11th September 01 in the USA which came as speed breakers in the global economy and slowed down the rapid growth.
The recession caused thereafter has created a cautious situation even to us. Hence the tightening of our belts and cost cutting has become of prime importance to all of us. I am sure that as in the past we will this time too, sail through the rough waters and emerge as winners.
In midst of all this our company’s image got a tremendous shot in the arm when we were ranked 7th best company to work in Oman, by the Business Today magazine amongst the poll survey conducted by a Market research and consultancy company.

More creditably we were ranked 1st in the field of Contracting companies thru this poll. The statistical details of this achievement are covered in the HR section in the Update. Well Done! We take pride in each and every member of our family. We are always proud of our prime assets and that is you all.
This is the time of festivals and fortunately we are very close to Diwali, Ramadan, Eid as well as Christmas and New year. Let me wish all, the compliments of the seasons and pray to Almighty to shower the choicest blessings on all of us and guide us to the right path.
I would like to state here a thought by Alexander F. Osborn who had said that: “Creativity is so delicate a flower, that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. Any of us will put out more and better ideas, if our efforts are appreciated.” We must learn that as leaders, we must encourage our subordinates to be creative if we want to come out with flying colors in a sluggish economy through out the world.
During my long years, I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in an individual or his ability to think & be creative. Let us all work towards it wholeheartedly & march ahead with right attitude & sincerity.
Our sincere sympathies to those who experienced the trauma of nature’s blow-the Earthquake in India. I am overwhelmed by the response of the entire Al Ansari family by contributing a day’s salary to the appeal. We are proud of you for standing by us in a calamity of this nature. May we pray to Allah the Almighty to give the affected ones, courage and strength to go through this unfortunate suffering.
May God bless us all and show us the right path to shine again during the year 2001 and be able to help the country as well as the community in its endeavors.
Ma salama, Namaskar.
Kiran Asher
Human Resource Development (HRD)
The HRD efforts of our company experienced a shot in the arm with the Business Today ratings of Top 20 Companies of Oman. AL ANSARI TRADING ENTERPRISE LLC has been rated as the Best Contracting Company and over all 7th Best.
Ratings achieved by us at the end of the survey which was published at the Business Today (Oct. issue) is as follows:
Out of | Total | |
1. Empowerment | 100 | 73.33 |
2. Career development & training | 100 | 71.83 |
3. Rewards, recognition & performance management | 100 | 70.12 |
4. Satisfaction & commitment | 100 | 74.34 |
5. Work/life balance* | 70 | 49.37 |
6. Pride | 70 | 55.30 |
7. Respect from organization | 60 | 49.60 |
8. Strategic goal and clarity | 60 | 49.64 |
9. Leadership* | 60 | 48.53 |
10. Communication | 60 | 42.44 |
11. Working relationship/teamwork | 60 | 46.73 |
12. Company image & competitive position* | 40 | 32.35 |
13. Infrastructure & operating efficiency | 40 | 28.73 |
14. Client service | 40 | 30.88 |
15. Knowledge management | 40 | 29.92 |
16. Maximum | 1000 | 753.14 |

The National Training Institute (NTI) at Ghala has been the venue for the presentation of ASME IX Welders Awards to six young Omani welders. Mohammed Ali Juma Al Zadjali, chairman presented the awards.
Omanization has been a key factor in our recruitment policies of late. Al Ansari is a preferential treatment card holder and is well above the required percentage of omanization as dictated by the Ministry of Manpower.
Al Ansari Preferred by Omanis
In the recently concluded Employer Survey Al Ansari has topped as the Best Company for Omanis among the contracting companies.
The Training programmes undertaken in the last six months are:-
- Planning & Time Management by C. K. Ravish & Niladri Sarkar on 28.05.01
- Handling & Stocking of Steel Bars and Protection by Shabbir Eski on 26.07.01
- Stores Management By Col Musharaf on 29.07.01
- Purchase & Stores by Kevin Thomas on 02.07.01
- Water Treatment, Glass Fused Tanks by external agency Mr. Tom Steven, U. K.
- Handling & Stocking of Steel Bars by Mohd Rupawala on 17/08/01
- Training on Power Tools Operations Maintenance by Asan Ali on 13/9/01
Mr. Nasser Bin Mohammed Al Kindi has been recruited as Manager Omanization & Training, He has varying experience of over 15 working years in the Ministries Corporates / HR Consultancy before joining Al Ansari. Ahlan wa sahlan Nasser!

Al Ansari Events highlights
In continuation of the coverage of our 25 years celebrations held last year we had marked every month with a special event for the staff and their families. Below is the detailed report of these events.

Congratulations Mr. Mohammed Rupawala
Mr. Mohammed Rupawala our Manager Civil Operations (CD) has been conferred the title of ‘Sheikh’ by their spiritual leader H.H. Syedna Mohammed. Burhannudin (T.U.S) at Surat recently – Congratulations Mohammedbhai !!!
Dental Services at Al Saadah Clinic
We will soon have Dental Services available at our Al Saadah Clinic. Dr. Arun Babla who with 25 years of experience as a dentist with Ministry of Health has taken up this responsibility recently. We wish him all the best in this new venture.

Well done

For the first time we held an IN HOUSE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT mainly for our Omani Brethren. This enter- taining tournament was held at the Royal Hospital football grounds. Almost 50 Omani staff members participated in this event.

Our yearly IN HOUSE SOFTBALL CRICKET TOURNAMENT which has evoked good response previously, was held at a new venue this year, i.e. the Muscat Inter-Continental Hotel-Staff grounds. The winning team’s photograph is shown herewith.

Col. Musharraf Khan, with 25 years of experience in the Logistic Department of Indian Army and a stint of 3 years in Dubai, has joined us as Materials & Logistic Manager. He is incharge of Putchase, Stores, Transport and Workshop Departments at the Contracting Division. He has also been now given the additional responsibility as the Administration Manager.

Our Annual Blood Donation Campaign conducted by the Ministry of Health-Department of Blood officials was held at the Engineering Division-Recreation Centre. This charitable cause was aided by 96 donors from our family.
“Creativity is so delicate a flower, that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. Any of us will put out more and better ideas, if our efforts are appreciated.”