Issue No: 16
Message from Al Ansari Group Managing Director
My dear Family Members,
The year 2002 has come to an end and we have entered into the year 2003. So, first and foremost let me wish all of you a Very Happy & Prosperous New Year. May the almighty shower on all of us good health, immense happiness and the mental strength to take on all our future endeavors with courage and zest.
I am glad that we are out with the 16th issue of our ‘UPDATE’ at the beginning of the year as planned, covering our activities for the second half of last year keeping everybody informed of our achievements and shortcomings so as to share it all together.
On the work front the second half of the year 2002 was not different than the first half. We have had a difficult year. Some of our Divisions have not attained the desired results. Although financially we have not fared well as we would have liked, we did sail through it as one solid rock.
As usual our entire Company has come together to fight these tough times. This clearly exhibits that tough times make tough minds and our company still holds strong despite these setbacks.

Let us not get disheartened by our last year’s performance. Last year’s events have provided us with a major learning. curve that we can add to our repertoire. As the famous saying goes ‘you always pass failure on your way to success”. Let us keep our chin-up and work smarter to taste the sweet flavor of success.
Looking at the brighter side of the things, we are glad to inform that during the month of August last year we established Cut & Bend Rebar unit, which is fully operational now with state-of-the-art computerized machinery. The entire plant layout looks neat and clean and very impressive. It is heartening that we have been able to identify a business that is not only need of the hour but also complementary to our business.
Let us all wish the unit Good Luck. We are proud of our Marketing Division for year 2002, where they have crossed the target and have achieved impressive results. We congratulate the entire team for their achievements. Well done!!!
We are happy to announce that in the year 2002, we have formulated several forums across the company. These forums include Departmental Performance Review (DPR), Self-Improvement Teams (SIT) and Think Tank. These forums have managed to break down the inter-divisional/departmental barriers and aim to synergize our company efforts to realize benefits of mutual interests.
The Think-Tank forum was established to discuss ideas and strategies that we as a company must implement in order to grow and diversify. It is extremely gratifying to note that all these forums have made an impact on our attitudes and that we are able to derive rich dividends from them.
In December 2002, we had a different type of Annual Budget meeting involving all the Department Heads under one forum unlike in the past, where the Management used to meet them individually to discuss their budget. The Budget presented seems promising. The real challenge lies in converting the proposed figures into actual figures, though surpassing them will be a great pleasure!! The very important issue of Omanization was discussed in detail.
The idea is not to go on wild rampant race to recruit as many Omanis as possible. The challenge lies in recruiting Omanis and training them to become useful and productive members of our company. Let us embrace this endeavor and wholeheartedly work towards Omanization.
Looking at the present scenario, we would like everybody to take on 2003 with commitment and passion. We need to pull up our socks, tighten our belts and stride forward with optimism. Let us all put on our thinking hats, exuberate energy and churn out creativity. To give you an example of creativity, I would like to share a poem, which I hope all of you enjoy.
“Let us wake up and shake off our sleep
Stand tall and get back on our feet
Work hard to make our deadlines meet
And let our clients know, that we are a great company indeed!”
With best wishes for your health and prosperity,
Fi Amman Allah
Kiran Asher
What Al Ansari & Its Logo Stands For…
Al Ansari has been named after the Arabian tribe called “Ansari”. The Ansaris were extremely hospitable people known to help everyone in times of need. Al Ansari was formed in 1975 bearing in mind these attributes. Today, its management tries to emulate the characteristics of the Ansari Tribe in their business. Al Ansari now stands among the top business houses in Oman and have flourished under the wise and benevolent leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.
The Al Ansari Logo signifies the culture and management style that has been fostered in our company. The color red signifies the vitality that we possess and exuberate. It also symbolizes that we are alert of the ongoing trends in the market and are constantly looking to implement and promote innovations that are required to have that cutting edge. The fort is a steadfast part of the rich Omani Heritage and amplifies the commitment we as a company wish to extend to the people of Oman.
The fort represents the strong character that our company has built over the past three decades. It also symbolizes that our clients can feel secure with us and that they trust us to deliver high quality standards. The two “A’s” state that we are an Excellent grade company – the best grade a company can attain. The square engulfing the fort exhibits the “fair and square” dealings that we practice with our clients, suppliers and our employees.

The Directors Of Al Ansari Group Of Companies

7th Best Company in Oman
On 12th November 2002, The Times of Oman published an article on the survey conducted by “Business Today” that rated Al Ansari as 7th best company to work for and the Best Contracting Company to work for in Oman. The same was published in “Business Today”, October 2002 issue as well.
The articles lauded the efforts and management style of Mr. Kiran Asher and Mr. Yusuf Nalwalla. We hope and pray that Al Ansari continues to prosper and flourish under their able leadership.

Marketing Division
First Time
Fluid Engineering Dept. (FED) carried out overhauling of three 500 HP pump sets at the Qurum Water Falls.
- Installed a 200m3 capacity GRP tank at Oman LNG Site.
- Successfully commissioned a 300 HP vertical turbine diesel engine driven UL/FM Fire pump set at Barkha Desalination Plant.

Heating, Ventilation and Equipments Dept. (HV&E) bagged an Export Order for Industrial Fans to Iraq.
- Executed a complete (Design, Construction & Equipping) Swimming Pool contract at the Towell Construction & Maintenance Co LLC. Gunniting technique was used in construction.

Sanitarywares, Building Materials & Speciality Chemicals Dept. (SB&SC) supplied hand crafted tiles for a Diwan project.
- For Kitchen Equipment activity in MOD supply & installation contract at SAF Beach Club.
- For Kitchen Equipment activity in Diwan – supply & installation contract at HM’s Villa in Egypt.
- By SB & SC dept., “OPIOCOLOUR Glass & Glass mosaic. The principals, Opiocolour will provide design & murals for Swimming Pools, Mosque Domes, etc.
Other Significant Achivements
- HV&E – Reactivated Raised Access Floors activity.
Interesting projects under execution:- ROP facilities at SEEB Airport.
- IT park, Rusayl.
- IGT Power Station at Salalah
Load Despatch Centre, - ISS offices in Salalah & Mawallah.
- Drainage products showing an upsurge thru constant flow of orders from MOH, ROP & Royal Flight.
“Let us wake up and shake off our sleep
Stand tall and get back on our feet
Work hard to make our deadlines meet
And let our clients know, that we are a great company indeed!”